Today, I tried something new…because I had to

Today, I tried something new…because I had to

This past week has been tough. My morning worktime—you know, my 4 o’clock hour stretch which allows me to dive into mindfulness meditation, complete actionable items and then workout thereafter has been invaded for a significant amount of the week due to my threenager. He’s been ON IT and it has been exhausting…Aiden was prepared to hold strong to his refusal of bedtime until I dove into one of the activities I saw in the book. 

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How to Decrease Holiday Toy Stress

How to Decrease Holiday Toy Stress

Now that your little one has opened all of his or her new things, you may find yourself with an overwhelming amount of stimuli in your home. The introduction of new play things from the holiday season has the potential to create little tornadoes of mess and there’s a sure way to eliminate not only the overstimulation, but the unnecessary clutter. Even for the most organized play spaces, new toys can still struggle to find their place. Here are a few tips to decrease the mess and associated stress with the new holiday toys

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