How to Decrease Holiday Toy Stress

How to Decrease Holiday Toy Stress

Now that your little one has opened all of his or her new things, you may find yourself with an overwhelming amount of stimuli in your home. The introduction of new play things from the holiday season has the potential to create little tornadoes of mess and there’s a sure way to eliminate not only the overstimulation, but the unnecessary clutter. Even for the most organized play spaces, new toys can still struggle to find their place. Here are a few tips to decrease the mess and associated stress with the new holiday toys

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Tips to refresh your routine with your child[ren]

It’s so easy to get caught up in your daily routine and feel like you are just going through the motions. Recently, the same thing happened in my home and I have been longing to switch things up. Sometimes all it takes is a step back to notice and reflect on what is happening in order to do things differently.

For about 2 months, I have been coming home feeling exhausted. I would drag myself through the evening routine, which by no means is fair to Aiden. With the cold weather and the park no longer being an option, it was necessary to identify indoor routines that would provide us with the opportunity to decompress from the day and transition into the house without feeling crazed. It was important for me to allow him to do something different from the structured school day at childcare.

I purchased a jumbo floor puzzle made by The Learning Journey from TJ Maxx. This was after we had a playdate at my mom-friend’s house and the kids worked together to complete a 12-piece puzzle. Unfortunately, they only had a 50 piece puzzle and I thought it was going to be a disaster. It wasn’t. Let this serve as a reminder that your kids will surprise you.

As a working parent, it is easy to feel disconnected from your child’s learning. Don’t feel like you cannot contribute to their growth and development because you aren’t a teacher or an educator. Be encouraged to explore the toy sections of stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Burlington. They come with quality toys at low prices (almost half the price than on Amazon) and refresh your child[ren]’s toy collection, as well as introduce him/her/them to something new.

Here’s what our routine looks like when we return home on a weekday. It allows us to transition and decompress, as well as brings about a sense of relaxation:

  1. Arrive home, change into our house-clothes. Put dinner in the oven or at least prepare it.

  2. Sit to do a puzzle or floor activity. This activity takes place without the TV on, so we can engage in quiet learning and problem-solving. We are able to engage in thinking together without interruptions. It’s important to make sure that all other toys and distractions (like balloons for Aiden) are put away.

  3. Sit and eat dinner together.

  4. Watch TV together

  5. Bath and Bedtime

There are times when I stay up afterwards and do some tidying up around the house or enjoy some television for myself. Please know that those days are few and far between. I wake up in the 4 o’clock hour on most weekdays, so staying up past 9 o’clock is a stretch.