I go to Therapy on Fridays

Well every other Friday, but it is EVERYTHING.

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My job is NOT easy. It never has been. I have transitioned through many positions within the field of social work and I can’t tell if this one is the most taxing, but I’m growing through it. My Friday sessions immediately after work allow me to decompress and let go of the week. I can process my frustrations, review my gains and refocus my energy.

Today, especially, allowed me to let go of what turned out to be an emotionally taxing last 2 days. Therapists need therapists. It’s a necessity. We’re constantly fielding everyone else’s daily issues, while struggling to focus on our own.

Last night, I brought home some bad energy. I had a lot of anxiety about one of my student’s and a really hard conversation I had to have with his family today. Unfortunately, last night Aiden had a nightmare and I think it’s because my energy was off. I found myself trying to soothe him at 11:00pm while trying to ease my own mind.

My therapist pointed out different things I can do within our evening routine that will not only allow me to release and let go, but also allow Aiden to do the same. Simple massages, soothing/relaxing music, lighting candles–things that I typically overlook. She suggested making certain things symbolic or ritualistic. I have a routine, but I don’t allow myself to focus on each aspect of said routine. That’s my goal next week. Focus on each part. Continue to do things with intentionality so that when it’s time, I can disconnect, leave work at work and focus all of my energy at home on Aiden.

Any moms struggle to disconnect from work? Leave comments below with questions and tips on how to overcome the work-life balance challenge.

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