Happy Father's Day!
/Today is the day to highlight FATHERS! This day is not your day mom. We celebrated already mommies! It’s not for single moms, it’s not to diminish the value of fathers because feminists and other like-minded individuals say otherwise, also not because moms do so much that fathers don’t even need to be acknowledged. I hated seeing the posts from women leading up to this day stating these things. It made my skin cringe.
It is FATHER’S DAY! Shoutout to all the daddies!
And let’s be clear, this day is for those fathers who are active in his child/children’s life/lives. If you’re doing your job, kudos to you dad! Thank you for pulling your weight and doing your part.
Some may differentiate between “fathers” and “dads”. I know I do. Someone you call “dad” or “daddy” holds a very special place in your heart. My dad was and is still very present in every aspect of my life. Aiden’s dad is very much present. All it takes to “father” a child is the initial act, but to be a DAD means so more.
Anyway, no more lecture. Just want to shout out the dads out there who are doing their thing! We see you!!