How I'm Shifting My Energy

The first thing you need to know about mental health is that it’s a journey. It takes time. You need to be kind to yourself and give yourself space, time and grace. That’s what I’ve been doing. It has not been easy the past few weeks pulling myself out of this depressive episode, but it’s happening slowly and surely.

If i’m being fully honest, it took multiple conversations with my support team, pushing myself to do things I really didn’t want to and RESTING to be able to get to today.

This morning, I made the decision to shift my energy. I say this because I had to choose wellness. I have been so far away from my wellness journey that it was necessary for me to actually make the decision to be well again.

This morning that looked like sleeping in and taking advantage of Aiden’s being with his father. Waking up and taking a long, hot bath, exfoliating my skin and doing a full body mud mask. I decided it was the prime opportunity to try out my new noise-cancelling headphones to tune out the outside world, while listening to a timely podcast. Having felt so out of control of my life over the past 3 weeks had left me wondering when will things get better and here we are.

While listening to H.E.R. Space podcast and tuning in fully to the episode on Transmuting Energy, I found myself scrubbing away the past 3 weeks and washing away all the negativity and doubt in the bath. My focus was re-purposing my energy and placing it in a state of certainty. I began thinking about how I will achieve my goals. Not just stating it, but manifesting it and intending it.

There were three key things that I had to remind myself before I reached this moment:

  1. Take one step at a time. There is no need to rush and try and do all of the things at one time. It is not necessary for me to jump in and try to juice, do yoga, meditate, workout, journal, eat well and drink all the water all at once and not at first. Trying to fill your day with all your wellness routines at once doesn’t allow you the time to ease back into your routine and make it stick again. Knowing what makes you successful in wellness and feel grounded is a good start. Creating the routine and slowly easing yourself in is what’s important. Today, I was successful. That success lies in the effort I put forth.

  2. Give yourself grace. I know that this will take time and I accept that fact. I know that there will be moments where I will question and doubt myself. When it happens, it means that I need to reset and re-evaluate, but continue pushing forward towards my wellness goals. Focusing on my intention, reminding and affirming myself will keep me grounded in the present and allow me to continue maintaining positive thoughts.

  3. Control what you can control. Too often we get caught up in the things that go wrong and are absolutely out of our control. This is what actually sent me into the downward spiral. There were so many factors that I had no control of with my homebuying goals, how school reopens, my parents and all the things I want them to understand, the physical distance in my relationship and so much more. What I was not focused on was the work that I could continue doing to remain resilient and grounded in what I do have control over.

I invite you to stay tuned in with me, as we navigate this journey and time of transition. We are building resilience this month and this is just the start.