The Power of the 'Pause'

When is the last time that you PAUSED? Think about it? With the pandemic, the race-driven killings of Black men and women, working at home and attempting to maintain some form of normalcy during a time that is nowhere near normal—when have you hit PAUSE? Have you taken a moment to look at how you are spending your time? How do you want to actually spend your time? Are you intentional about it? Give yourself a break. It’s time for a moment to just STOP and pause.

There is power in pausing. It gives you a moment to connect with how you feel and how you want to live your life. It brings about feelings of peace, while allowing you to be more mindful in the simplicity of life and rest.

Navigating today’s challenges allows for us to not only consumed by the day to day challenges, but also distracted from ourselves and our individual needs. We get caught up in our routines along with everything else. Taking a moment to pause and be still allows you to pay attention to your body and your mind’s needs.

Give yourself the space and time you need to open up. It takes practice and you have to make the choice to do just that—practice. Set your own pace. Pause.

To put your pause into practice, follow these steps below:

  1. Stop what you’re doing and pause

  2. Make yourself aware of the pace you set for the day

  3. Ask if it’s helpful, then adjust it accordingly

  4. Give yourself permission to rest

  5. Simply just BE and enjoy the moment