4 Ways to Cope with Family While Staying-at-Home
/Staying at home with family can be a stressful time, especially without a break in the day to go out to work. Here are 4 ways to cope while being home with family, roommates or whomever else all day:
Spend time together and apart - It’s important to spend time together and allow yourself to connect with your family and friends, but the time apart is just as important. Allow yourself to take breaks from interacting and giving yourself space—it’s healthy.
Maintain your own wellness - A good sleeping and eating routine will keep you on track and keep irritability low, which is essential during a time where are spending hours countless hours together in the same space. No one wants to be hangry or irritable because they did not eat soon enough or sleep enough.
Check in with yourself - If you are feeling stressed, fatigued or “off”, ask yourself the question: How? Look at how you have changed and how you are being impacted. Once you are able to answer those questions, then you can determine the steps you need to take to improve it.
Extend grace - Extend grace and kindness to both to yourself and others. Everyone is susceptible to feeling discomfort during this time, whether influenced by staying at home or the media.