Spiritual Reset
/This week has been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster for me and those around me actually (go check out my friend Tenisha’s blog post at jellomom.com). Nonetheless, I had some ups and downs. Over the weekend, I was able to spend time with family, pull my apartment together some more (finally got the microwave cart put together courtesy of my dad), attended my God son’s birthday party, a baby shower, got a much needed nap, and a long overdue lunch with two of my close girlfriends. My social wellness was at an all time high and I was feeling connected to everyone.
Throughout the past week, I found myself listening to more gospel music in the morning to increase my spiritual connectedness and to ground my mornings in joy. I resumed the habit of reading devotionals in the morning and even purchased a devotional specific to single moms (it was an on time word, let me tell you).
On Monday; however, there was a major parenting disagreement that left me feeling extremely emotional and frustrated. The only option I had was to go to sleep and reset in the morning. I started off reading two devotionals, both of which were timely, tuned into gospel music and cleaned/cleansed my house. I did some meditation during my shower and even had a telephone session with my therapist to ensure I covered all avenues.
Writing this today, I feel good. I feel centered. I’ve been so focused on mindfulness and meditation that I’ve been neglecting the other part, a major part of my spirituality. My connection to God through prayer and devotion. I personally do not attend church, but I praise and worship him through reading, prayer and song. Reminding myself of the importance of this connection was what I needed not only in this moment, but what I need to remain grounded and center.
The thing about wellness is finding what makes you feel “well”. What centers you. There can be multiple things that make up your spiritual wellness like there are for me, just like multiple things can contribute to physical wellness. What I mean is, however you tap into your spirituality is up to you.
The basis for spiritual wellness is expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life based on our core values and beliefs. For some persons, that may be synonymous with religion, for others it may be connection to nature, meditation, volunteering, social responsibility, contributions you make to society or a sense of belongingness.
The point is, find what works for you and be well.
Thank you for reading!